Accepted Papers
Foundations of Computer Sciences- Fabio Alessi and Paula Severi (Udine, Italy)
Recursive domain equations of filter models
- Vikraman Arvind and Pushkar Joglekar (Chennai, India)
Algorithmic problems for metrics on permutation groups
- Paul Bell (Turku, Finland) and Igor Potapov (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
Periodic and infinite traces in matrix semigroups
- Julien Bernet and David Janin (Bordeaux, France)
From asynchronous to synchronous specifications for distributed program synthesis
- Beate Bollig, Niko Range, and Ingo Wegener (Dortmund, Germany)
Exact OBDD bounds for some fundamental functions
- Nieves Brisaboa, Oscar Pedreira, Diego Seco (A Coruña, Spain), Roberto Solar, and Roberto Uribe (Punta Arenas, Chile)
Clustering based similarity search in metric spaces with sparse spatial centers
- Michael J. Burrell, James H. Andrews, and Mark Daley (London/ON, Canada)
A useful bounded resource functional language
- Julien Cristau (Paris, France) and Florian Horn (Aachen, Germany)
On reachability games of ordinal length
- Bogusław Cyganek (Kraków, Poland)
An algorithm for computation of the scene geometry by the log-polar area matching around salient points
- Jurek Czyzowicz (Gatineau/QC, Canada), Stefan Dobrev (Bratislava, Slovakia), Evangelos Kranakis (Ottawa/ON, Canada), and Danny Krizanc (Middletown/CT, USA)
The power of tokens: rendezvous and symmetry detection for two mobile agents in a ring
- Stefan Dobrev (Ottawa/ON, Canada), Rastislav Královič, and Dana Pardubská (Bratislava, Slovakia)
How much information about the future is needed ?
- Cezara Dragoi and Gheorghe Stefanescu (Bucharest, Romania)
On compiling structured interactive programs with registers and voices
- Lech Duraj and Grzegorz Gutowski (Kraków, Poland)
Optimal orientation on-line
- Bruno Escoffier, Jérôme Monnot, and Olivier Spanjaard (Paris, France)
Some tractable instances of interval data minmax regret problems: bounded distance from triviality
- Peter Gaži and Branislav Rovan (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Assisted problem solving and decompositions of finite automata
- Christian Gunia (Freiburg, Germany)
Energy-efficient windows scheduling
- Costas S. Iliopoulos and Mohammad Sohel Rahman (London, United Kingdom)
A new model to solve the swap matching problem and efficient algorithms for short patterns
- Adam Koprowski and Hans Zantema (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Certification of proving termination of term rewriting by matrix interpretations
- Marián Lekavý and Pavol Návrat (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Extension of rescheduling based on minimal graph cut
- Mila Majster-Cederbaum and Christoph Minnameier (Mannheim, Germany)
Deriving complexity results for interaction systems from 1-safe Petri nets
- Wataru Matsubara (Sendai, Japan), Shunsuke Inenaga (Fukuoka, Japan), Akira Ishino, Ayumi Shinohara, Tomoyuki Nakamura, and Kazuo Hashimoto (Sendai, Japan)
Computing longest common substring and all palindromes from compressed strings
- Neža Mramor-Kosta (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and Eva Trenklerová (Košice, Slovakia)
Basic sets in the digital plane
- Radim Nedbal (Prague, Czech Republic)
Algebraic optimization of relational queries with various kinds of preferences
- Claudia Nuccio and Emanuele Rodaro (Milano, Italy)
Mortality problem for 2x2 integer matrices
- Holger Petersen (Stuttgart, Germany)
Element distinctness and sorting on one-tape off-line Turing machines
- Holger Petersen (Stuttgart, Germany)
Improved bounds for range mode and range median queries
- Frank G. Radmacher (Aachen, Germany)
An automata theoretic approach to rational tree relations
- Astrid Rakow (Oldenburg, Germany)
Slicing Petri nets with an application to workflow verification
- Adam Roman and Wit Foryś (Kraków, Poland)
Lower bound for the length of synchronizing words in partially-synchronizing automata
- Antti Siirtola (Oulu, Finland) and Michal Valenta (Prague, Czech Republic)
Verifying parameterized taDOM+ lock managers
- Andreas Spillner (Norwich, United Kingdom) and Alexander Wolff (Eindhoven, the Netherlands)
Untangling a planar graph
Computing by Nature- Andris Ambainis and Alexander Rivosh (Riga, Latvia)
Quantum random walks with multiple or moving marked locations
- Jacek Dąbrowski (Gdańsk, Poland)
Parallel immune system for graph coloring
- Sebastian Dörn (Ulm, Germany) and Thomas Thierauf (Aalen, Germany)
The quantum complexity of group testing
- Diego de Falco and Dario Tamascelli (Milano, Italy)
Quantum walks: a Markovian perspective
- Marek Krętowski (Białystok, Poland)
A memetic algorithm for global induction of decision trees
- Věra Kůrková (Prague, Czech Republic) and Marcello Sanguineti (Genova, Italy)
Geometric rates of approximation by neural networks
- Camelia-M. Pintea, Camelia Chira, Dan Dumitrescu (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), and Petrica Claudiu Pop (Baia-Mare, Romania)
A sensitive metaheuristic for solving a large optimization problem
Networks, Security and Cryptography- Dušan Bernát (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Domain name system as a memory and communication medium
- Feng Cheng and Christoph Meinel (Potsdam, Germany)
Strong authentication over lock-keeper
- Jacek Cichoń, Mirosław Kutyłowski, and Bogdan Węglorz (Wrocław, Poland)
Short ballot assumption and threeballot voting protocol
- Marek Klonowski, Przemysław Kubiak, and Mirosław Kutyłowski (Wrocław, Poland)
Practical deniable encryption
- Matej Košík (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Taming of Pict
- Shoichi Morimoto (Tokyo, Japan), Shinjiro Shigematsu, Yuichi Goto, and Jingde Cheng (Saitama, Japan)
Classification, formalization and verification of security functional requirements
- Jordi Pont-Tuset, Pau Medrano-Gracia (Barcelona, Spain), Jordi Nin (Bellaterra, Spain), Josep-L. Larriba-Pey, and Victor Muntés-Mulero (Barcelona, Spain)
ONN the use of neural networks for data privacy
- Peishun Wang, Huaxiong Wang, and Josef Pieprzyk (Sydney/NSW, Australia)
Threshold privacy preserving keyword searches
Web Technologies- Khadija Abied Ali and Jaroslav Pokorný (Prague, Czech Republic)
3D_XML: a three-dimensional XML-based model
- Jiří Dokulil (Prague, Czech Republic) and Jana Katreniaková (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Visual exploration of RDF data
- György Frivolt, Ján Suchal, Richard Veselý, Peter Vojtek, Oto Vozár, and Mária Bieliková (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Creation, population and preprocessing of experimental data sets for evaluation of applications for the semantic web
- Piotr Kalita, Igor Podolak, Adam Roman, and Bartosz Bierkowski (Kraków, Poland)
Algorithm for intelligent prediction of requests in business systems
- Przemysław Kazienko and Katarzyna Musiał (Wrocław, Poland)
Mining personal social features in the community of email users
- Marek Klonowski and Tomasz Strumiński (Wrocław, Poland)
Proofs of communication and its application for fighting spam
- Miloš Kudělka, Václav Snášel, Ondřej Lehečka (Ostrava, Czech Republic), Eyas El-Qawasmeh (Irbid, Jordan), and Jaroslav Pokorný (Prague, Czech Republic)
Web pages reordering and clustering based on web patterns
- Radovan Šesták and Jan Lánský (Prague, Czech Republic)
Compression of concatenated web pages using XBW
- Hyun Woong Shin (Suwon, South Korea), Eduard Hovy, and Dennis McLeod (Los Angeles/CA, USA)
The dynamic web presentations with a generality model on the news domain
- Przemysław Skibiński (Wrocław, Poland), Jakub Swacha (Szczecin, Poland), and Szymon Grabowski (Łódź, Poland)
A highly efficient XML compression scheme for the web
- Michal Tvarožek, Michal Barla, György Frivolt, Marek Tomša, and Mária Bieliková (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Improving semantic search via integrated personalized faceted and visual graph navigation
Student Research Forum- Peter Bartalos and Mária Bieliková (Bratislava, Slovakia)
(S)CRUD pattern support for semantic web applications
- Daniel Berend, Ephraim Korach, and Shira Zucker (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
Tabu search for the BWC problem
- Nieves Brisaboa, Yolanda Cillero, Susana Ladra, Antonio Fariña, and Oscar Pedreira (A Coruña, Spain)
Implementing byte-oriented rank and select operations
- Stefan Gulan and Henning Fernau (Trier, Germany)
Local elimination-strategies in finite automata for shorter regular expressions
- Jana Katreniaková (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Mental map preserving cluster expansion
- Ján Katrenič and Gabriel Semanišin (Košice, Slovakia)
Complexity of ascent finding problem
- Jiří Kléma (Prague, Czech Republic), Jana Šilhavá, Pavel Smrž (Brno, Czech Republic), and Filip Železný (Prague, Czech Republic)
Gene expression data mining guided by genomic background knowledge
- Pavel Moravec (Brno, Czech Republic)
Approximations of state spaces reduced by partial order reduction
- Dominik Ramík (Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Extensible modular neural network based system for human face recognition with filtering of similar faces
- Roman Špánek, Martin Řimnáč, and Zdeňka Linková (Prague, Czech Republic)
On creating a trusted and distributed data source environment
- Josef Šprojcar (Brno, Czech Republic)
An information-theoretic secure protocol for private anonymous communication
- Ján Suchal (Bratislava, Slovakia)
On finding power method in spreading activation search
- Fabian Wagner (Ulm, Germany)
Hardness results for isomorphism and automorphism of trivalent graphs